The Bryan Haddix Sr. Family

Percy Lee at Left; James Wesley Haddix (Pappy) in middle "Still Crazy" Percy Lee and James Wesley Haddix at their still

Bryan J. Sr. at Left and brother James P. Haddix at right "Brothers Haddix" Dad and Uncle Jimmy; Carrie Belle's and Percy Lee's sons

Carrie Belle (Armstrong) Haddix standing in rear of photo "Mommie Perce" Photo of Carrie Belle Armstrong (standing) with others 
(let me know if you can identify them)

Percy Lee and Carrie Belle Haddix (standing) "Mommie & Daddie Perce" Photo of Percy Lee and Carrie Belle Haddix (standing) with Florence (Last name?)
(let me know if you can identify her)

Other Pictures (Misc. Family)

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